
杨敏研究员2016年作为引进人才到药物所工作,担任生物分析中心课题组长、药理室北区党支部书记。2007年毕业于北京大学,获医学博士学位。美国匹兹堡大学医学中心访问学者。入选北京市科技新星,北京市卫生系统高层次人才学科骨干。担任国家卫健委全国老龄健康专家库成员,全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家,国家留学基金委员会评审专家,中关村NMT产业联盟项目评审专家,国家/北京市自然科学基金函审专家,中国研究型医院学会生物标志物专业委员会常务委员,中国药理学会生化与分子药理学专业委员会委员,国际免疫学会联合会官方期刊Frontiers in Immunology评审编辑。迄今主持国自然面上项目4项、北京市级纵向基金3项、院校级基金3项;主持企业及科研院所横向课题121项,参与创新工程项目2项,参与中央引导地方科技发展资金项目1项,近五年科研经费累计超过1000万元。获得美国华裔心脏病协会基础研究一等奖,西安市科学技术二等奖。作为常务编委参编研究生教材《药理学实验操作教程》,获得教师教学基本功比赛二等奖,指导的研究生多次获得“国家奖学金”、“一等学业奖学金”。目前发表论文40余篇,第一及独立通讯作者的SCI论著20余篇,代表性成果已发表在Cell Death & Differentiation,Molecular Cancer,Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis & Vascular Biology,Cell Death & Disease,BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease,Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,Frontiers in Immunology等著名学术期刊。作为第一发明人申报国家发明专利9项,授权专利1项。


[1] Computational identification and clinical validation of a novel risk signature based on coagulation-related lncRNAs for predicting prognosis, immunotherapy response, and chemosensitivity in colorectal cancer patients. Fang Zhang, Rixin Zhang, Jinbao Zong, Yufang Hou, Mingxuan Zhou, Zheng Yan, Tiegang Li, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Liu Yang, Zifan Zeng, Wenyi Zhao, Min Yang*. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023. (IF:7.3)
[2] Developing an m5C regulator-mediated RNA methylation modification signature to predict prognosis and immunotherapy efficacy in rectal cancer. Rixin Zhang, Wenqiang Gan, Jinbao Zong, Yufang Hou, Mingxuan Zhou, Zheng Yan, Tiegang Li, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Weiqi Wang, Fang Zhang, Min Yang*. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023. (IF:7.3)
[3] Characterization of sialylation-related long noncoding RNAs to develop a novel signature for predicting prognosis, immune landscape, and chemotherapy response in colorectal cancer. Mingxuan Zhou, Silin Lv, Yufang Hou, Rixin Zhang, Weiqi Wang, Zheng Yan, Tiegang Li, Wenqiang Gan, Zifan Zeng, Fang Zhang, Min Yang*. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022. (IF: 8.786)
[4] Comprehensive analysis of a cancer-immunity cycle–based signature forpredicting prognosis and immunotherapyresponse in patients with colorectal cancer. Yufang Hou, Rixin Zhang, Jinbao Zong, Weiqi Wang, Mingxuan Zhou, Zheng Yan, Tiegang Li, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Min Yang*. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022. (IF: 8.786)
[5] Comprehensive bioinformatics analysis identifies LAPTM5 as a potential blood biomarker for hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. Tiegang Li, Weiqi Wang, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Yufang Hou, Zheng Yan, Rixin Zhang, Min Yang*. Aging-US. 2022. (IF: 5.955)
[6] Prognostic values and underlying regulatory network of Cohesin subunits in esophageal carcinoma. Wenqiang Gan, Weiqi Wang, Tiegang Li, Rixin Zhang, Yufang Hou, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Zheng Yan, Min Yang*. Journal of Cancer. 2022. (IF: 4.478)
[7] Lp-PLA2 inhibition prevents Ang II–induced cardiac inflammation and fibrosis by blocking macrophage NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Wenqiang Gan, Weiqi Wang, Tiegang Li, Yufang Hou, Zheng Yan, Rixin Zhang, Min Yang*. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2021. (IF:7.169)
[8] SEMA6B overexpression predicts poor prognosis and correlates with the tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment in colorectal cancer. Tiegang Li#, Zheng Yan#, Weiqi Wang, Rixin Zhang, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Yufang Hou, Min Yang*. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2021. (IF: 6.113)
[9] High SEMA4C expression promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and predicts poor prognosis in colorectal carcinoma. Yufang Hou#, Weiqi Wang#, Zifan Zeng#, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Tiegang Li, Zheng Yan, Rixin Zhang, Min Yang*. Aging-US. 2020. (IF: 5.682)
[10] Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) and CD8 expression profiling revealed an immunological subtype of colon cancer with a poor prognosis. Rixin Zhang, Tiegang Li, Weiqi Wang, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Yufang Hou, Zheng Yan, Min Yang*. Frontiers in Oncology. 2020. (IF: 6.244)
[11] A bioinformatics analysis on the potential role of ACE2 in cardiac impairment of patients with coronavirus disease 2019. Weiqi Wang, Silin Lv, Wenqiang Gan, Zifan Zeng, Min Yang*. Annals of Translational Medicine. 2020. (IF: 3.932)
[12] Prognostic significance of mutant-allele tumor heterogeneity in uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma. Yufang Hou, Tiegang Li, Wenqiang Gan, Silin Lv, Zifan Zeng, Zheng Yan, Weiqi Wang, Min Yang*. Annals of Translational Medicine. 2020. (IF: 3.932)
[13] The SGK1 inhibitor EMD638683, prevents Angiotensin II-induced cardiac inflammation and fibrosis by blocking NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Wenqiang Gan#, Jingyuan Ren#, Tiegang Li, Silin Lv, Chenghe Li, Ziliang Liu, Min Yang*. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease. 2018. (IF: 4.328)
[14] Serum-glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 contributes to mechanical stretch-induced inflammatory responses in cardiac fibroblasts. Wenqiang Gan#, Tiegang Li#, Jingyuan Ren, Chenghe Li, Ziliang Liu, Min Yang*. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2018. (IF: 2.884)
