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王亚男,男,博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,现为太阳集团1088vip分析室党支部书记。2012年7月毕业于北京协和医学院,获药物化学专业博士学位。2012年8月在太阳集团1088vip药物分析研究室核磁组工作至今,先后任助理研究员、副研究员。主要从事核磁共振分析新技术新方法在新药研发中的应用与创新,建立了领先的以活性结构为导向的基于液相-核磁共振联用技术高效快速发现天然产物活性物质的应用分析策略。目前承担北京协和医学院《波谱解析(硕士)》、《药物分析》、《药物化学实验》研究生课程授课,其中《波谱解析》在2018年被评为全国医药学研究生精品建设课程,《药物分析》荣获2022年北京协和医学院研究生精品课程。已发表国内外论文70余篇,SCI论文40余篇,获得授权专利3项,申请专利3项,软件著作权1项。参与编写科研工具书《分析化学手册. 7A. 氢-1核磁共振波谱分析(第三版)》及《药物分析技术进展与应用》专业书籍。1项教学案例入选全国药学专业学位研究生教育指导委员会2021年第五届全国药学专业学位优秀教学案例。




1. Xinjian Li, Zhe Wang, Bowen Zheng, Yanan Wang,* and Jinlan Zhang*, Novel Strategy to Rapidly Profile and Identify Oxidized Species of Polysorbate 80 Using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2023. (accepted)
2. Tian, M.#; Wang, Y.-N.#; Lu, A.; Zhang, Q.; Li, X.; Zhang, N.; Zhang, J.; Wang, S., From metabolomic analysis to quality assessment and biosynthetic insight in traditional Chinese medicine: Mulberry tree as a case study. Phytochemical Analysis, 2022.
3. NMR-based Metabolomic Approach to Understanding Zeng-Sheng-Ping-Induced Hepatotoxicity, and Identifying Possible Toxic Constituents by LC-MS Profiles. Wu, Y.; Wang, J.-Q.; Wang, Y.-N.; Pang, X.-X.; Bao, J.; Guan, X.-B.; Wang, S.-J., Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2022.
4. Zhang, D. Y.; Zhou, J. J.; Yang, H.; Wang, M.; Wang, Y. N.; Liu, S.; Zhang, Z. M.; Zhuang, P. Y.; Wang, X. X.; Liu, H., Chlorahupetenes A-D, Four Eudesmane-Type Sesquiterpenoid Dimer Enantiomers with Two Unusual Carbon Skeletons from Chloranthus henryi Var. hupehensis. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022.
5. Wang, L.; Xia, G.; Xia, H.; Wei, X.; Wang, Y.; Lin, S., (+)/(−)-Yanhusamides A−C, three pairs of unprecedented benzylisoquinoline-pyrrole hetero-dimeric alkaloid enantiomers from Corydalis yanhusuo. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2022.
6. Pei, Y.-H.; Zhang, L.-H.; Wu, X.-L.; Wu, H.-H.; Wang, H.-F.; Wang, Y.-N.; Chen, G., Polyhydroxylated bergamotane-type sesquiterpenoids from cultures of Paraconiothyrium sporulosum YK-03 and their absolute configurations. Phytochemistry, 2022.
7. Xenoacremones D–H, Bioactive Tyrosine-decahydrofluorene Analogues from the Plant-Derived Fungus Xenoacremonium sinensis. Liu, Z.; Liu, L.; Wang, A.; Li, L.; Zhao, S.; Wang, Y.-N.; Sun, Y., Marine Drugs, 2022.
8. Nine sesquiterpenoid dimers with four unprecedented types of carbon skeleton from Chloranthus henryi var. hupehensis. Zhang, D.-Y.; Wang, X.-X.; Wang, Y.-N.; Wang, M.; Zhuang, P.-Y.; Jin, Y.; Liu, H., Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021.
9. Xanthanoltrimer A–C: three xanthanolide sesquiterpene trimers from the fruits of Xanthium italicum Moretti isolated by HPLC-MS-SPE-NMR. Fu, J.; Wang, Y.-N.; Ma, S.-G.; Li, L.; Wang, X.-J.; Li, Y.; Liu, Y.-B.; Qu, J.; Yu, S.-S., Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021.
10. A fast strategy for profiling and identifying pharmaceutic excipient polysorbates by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Wang, Z.#; Wang, Y.-N.#; Tie, C.; Zhang, J.-L., J Chromatogr A, 2020.
11. Insight into Medicinal Chemistry Behind Traditional Chinese Medicines: p-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol-Derived Dimers and Trimers from Gastrodia elata. Wang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Zhou, X.; Xu, C.; Zhu, C.; Yuan, Y.; Chen, N.; Yang, Y.; Guo, Q.; Shi, J., Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2020.
12. Trichodestruxins A–D: Cytotoxic Cyclodepsipeptides from the Endophytic Fungus Trichoderma harzianum. Liu, Z.; Sun, Y. *; Tang, M.; Sun, P.; Wang, A.; Hao, Y.; Wang, Y.*; Pei, Y.*,Journal of Natural Products, 2020.
13. Enzymatic Intermolecular Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction in the Biosynthesis of Tropolonic Sesquiterpenes. Chen, Q.; Gao, J.; Jamieson, C.; Liu, J.; Ohashi, M.; Bai, J.; Yan, D.; Liu, B.; Che, Y.; Wang, Y.; Houk, K. N.; Hu, Y., J Am Chem Soc, 2019.
14. Crystal structure of dimethyl 3,12-dibenzyl-6,10-diphenyl-3,12-diazapentacyclo []-dodecane-7,11-dicarboxylate — acetone (2/1), C40H38N2O2 ? 0.5C3H6O. Wang, Y.-N.; Wu, Y.; Tian, Y., Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2019.
15. New glycosides from the twigs and leaves of Rhododendron latoucheae. Wang, Y.-N.#; Liu, F.#; Li, Y.; Ma, S.-G.; Qu, J.; Liu, Y.-B.; Niu, C.-S.; Tang, Z.-H.; Li, Y.-H.; Wang, R.-B., Journal of Asian natural products research, 2019.
16. Triterpenoids from the twigs and leaves of Rhododendron latoucheae by HPLC?MS?SPE?NMR. Liu, F.#; Wang, Y.-N.#; Li, Y.; Ma, S.-G.; Qu, J.; Liu, Y.-B.; Niu, C.-S.; Tang, Z.-H.; Li, Y.-H.; Li, L., Tetrahedron, 2019.
17. Purpurolide A, 5/5/5 spirocyclic sesquiterpene lactone in Nature from the endophytic fungus Penicillium purpurogenum. Wang, Y.-N.#; Xia, G.-Y.#; Wang, L.-Y.; Ge, G.-B.; Zhang, H.-W.; Zhang, J.-F.; Wu, Y.-Z.; Lin, S., Organic letters, 2018.
18. Diphenyl Ethers from a Marine-Derived Aspergillus sydowii. Wang, Y.-N.#; Mou, Y.-H.#; Dong, Y.#; Wu, Y.; Liu, B.-Y.; Bai, J.; Yan, D.-J.; Zhang, L.; Feng, D.-Q.; Pei, Y.-H., Mar. Drugs, 2018.


1. 《药物分析技术进展与应用》,编者,中国协和医科大学出版社,2021.
2. 《分析化学手册. 7A. 氢-1核磁共振波谱分析(第三版)》,编者,化学工业出版社,2016.


