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职 称:副研究员






近年来先后主持科研项目12项、参与科研项目10项,包括国家自然科学基金项目、北京市自然科学基金项目、国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项等。已发表文章79篇,其中SCI收录57篇,以(共同)第一作者或(共同)通讯作者发表的SCI文章17篇;参编学术论著4部。兼任北京药理学会神经精神药理专业委员会副秘书长、北京药理学会神经精神药理专业委员会青年工作委员会副主任委员、北京神经科学学会青年专业委员会常务委员、中国药理学会补益药药理专业委员会委员、国家自然科学基金通信评审专家、北京市自然科学基金评审专家库成员和Experimental Neurology、Journal of Ethnopharmacology、Metabolic Brain Disease、Drug Design、Development and Therapy、Gene、Nature Product Research等SCI期刊和《中国药理学通报》审稿人。获得“中国药理学会-法国施维雅研究院”第十八届SERVIER青年药理学工作者奖、“太阳集团1088vip第五届青年教师教学基本功比赛”二等奖,入选《2016年北京市自然科学基金优秀成果选编》“优秀人才篇”和太阳集团1088vip“青年医学人才奖励项目”。


神经精神药理学研究方向,目前主要集中在对抑郁症新的发病机制和新的药物靶标的探究和解析,以及抗抑郁创新药物的药理学研究方面。具体研究内容如下: 1. 抑郁症新的发病机制和新的药物靶标的研究:主要是基于缝隙连接蛋白Cx43介导的星形胶质细胞间缝隙连接功能和半通道功能研究抑郁症的发病机制,以及对应激敏感和抵抗机制的探讨,糖皮质激素受体与抑郁症的关系研究等。 2. 抗抑郁创新药物的药理学研究:主要研究人参皂苷Rg1等天然产物的抗抑郁作用机制、选择性PDE4D抑制剂和快速起效抗抑郁创新药物的寻找和药效及机理研究。


1. Xia CY#, Wang ZZ#, Wang HQ, Ren SY, Lou YX, Jin C, Qu TG, Feng ST, Zhang Y, Chu SF, Chen NH*. Connexin 43: A novel ginsenoside Rg1-sensitive target in a rat model of depression. Neuropharmacology, 2020; 170:108041.
2. Lou YX#, Wang ZZ#, *, Xia CY, Mou Z, Ren Q, Liu DD, Zhang X, Chen NH*. The protective effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on depression may benefit from the gap junction function in hippocampal astrocytes. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2020; 882:173309.
3. Wang HQ, Yang SW, Gao Y, Liu YJ, Li X, Ai QD, Lin MY, Yang YT, Zeng Q, Zhang Y, Wang ZZ*, Chen NH*. Novel antidepressant mechanism of ginsenoside Rg1: Regulating biosynthesis and degradation of connexin43. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,2021: 114212.
4. Xia CY, Chu SF, Zhang S, Gao Y, Ren Q, Lou YX, Luo P, Tian MT, Wang ZQ, Du GH, Tomioka Y, Yamakuni T, Zhang Y, Wang ZZ*, Chen NH*. Ginsenoside Rg1 alleviates corticosterone-induced dysfunction of gap junctions in astrocytes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2017; 208: 207-213.
5. Zhang YN, Zhang XL, Liu N, Ren SY, Xia CY, Yang X, Lou YX, Wang HQ, Zhang NN, Yan X, Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Wang ZZ*, Chen NH*. Comparative proteomic characterization of ventral hippocampus in susceptible and resilient rats subjected to chronic unpredictable stress. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021; doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.675430.
6. Ren SY, Zhang YN, Wang MJ, Wen BR, Xia CY, Li X, Wang HQ, Zhang RP, Yi-Zhang, Wang ZZ*, Chen NH*. Hair growth predicts a depression-like phenotype in rats as a mirror of stress traceability. Neurochemistry International, 2021: 105110.
7. Wang HQ, Wang ZZ*, Chen NH*. The receptor hypothesis and the pathogenesis of depression: Genetic bases and biological correlates. Pharmacological Research, 2021; 167: 105542.
8. Wang ZZ, Zhang Y, Liu YQ, Zhao N, Zhang YZ, Yuan L, An L, Li J, Wang XY, Qin JJ, Wilson SP, O’Donnell JM, Zhang HT, Li YF*. RNA interference-mediated phosphodiesterase-4D splice variants knockdown in the prefrontal cortex produces antidepressant-like and cognition-enhancing effects. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2013; 168: 1001-1014.
9. Wang ZZ, Yang WX, Zhang Y, Zhao N, Zhang YZ, Liu YQ, Xu Y, Wilson SP, O’Donnell JM, Zhang HT, Li YF*. Phosphodiesterase-4D Knock-down in the Prefrontal Cortex Alleviates Chronic Unpredictable Stress-Induced Depressive-Like Behaviors and Memory Deficits in Mice. Scientific Reports, 2015; 5: 11332.
10. Yang PF#, Wang ZZ#, Zhang Z, Liu DD, Manolios EN, Chen C, Yan X, Zuo W, Chen NH*, The extended application of The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates in rats of various body weight. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2018; 307: 60-69.
11. Wang ZZ, Zhang Y, Zhang HT, Li YF*. Phosphodiesterase (PDEs): An interface connecting cognitive deficits to neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015; 21: 303-316.
12. Wang XL, Feng ST, Wang YT, Yuan YH, Li ZP, Chen NH, Wang ZZ*, Zhang Y*. Mitophagy, a Form of Selective Autophagy, Plays an Essential Role in Mitochondrial Dynamics of Parkinson's Disease. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2021; doi: 10.1007/s10571-021-01039-w.
13. Wang ZZ, Li G, Chen XY, Zhao M, Yuan YH, Wang XL, Chen NH*. Chemokine-like factor 1, a novel cytokine, induces nerve cell migration through the non-extracellular Ca2+-dependent tyrosine kinases pathway. Brain Research, 2010; 1308: 24-34.
14. Wang ZZ, Zhang Y, Yuan YH, Chen NH*. Developmental expression of chemokine-like factor 1, a novel member of chemokines family, in postnatal rat cerebral cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 2012; 519: 51-55.
15. Wang ZZ, Yuan YH, Zhang Y, Wang XF, Chu SF, Han N, Chen NH*. Chemokine-like factor 1 promotes the migration of rat primary cortical neurons by the induction of actin polymerization. Neuroreport, 2014; 25: 1221-1226.
16. Wang ZZ, Zhao WJ, Zhang XS, Tian XF, Wang YZ, Zhang F, Yuan JC, Han GZ, Liu KX, Yao JH*. Protection of Veratrum nigrum L. var. ussuriense Nakai alkaloids against ischemia-reperfusion injury of the rat liver. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2007; 13: 564-571.
17. Zhang Y#, *, Wang ZZ#, Sun HM, Li P, Li YF, Chen NH. Systematic review of traditional chinese medicine for depression in Parkinson's disease. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2014; 42: 1035-1051.
18. Xia CY, Wang ZZ, Zhang Z, Chen J, Wang YY, Lou YX, Gao Y, Luo P, Ren Q, Du GH, Chen NH*. Corticosterone impairs gap junctions in the prefrontal cortical and hippocampal astrocytes via different mechanisms. Neuropharmacology, 2017; 131: 20-30.
19. Xia CY, Wang ZZ, Tomioka Y, Chen NH*. A novel mechanism of depression: role for connexins. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2018; 28(4): 483-498.
20. Jin C, Wang ZZ, Zhou H, Lou YX, Chen J, Zuo W, Tian MT, Wang ZQ, Du GH, Kawahata I, Yamakuni T, Zhang Y, Chen NH*, Zhang DS*. Ginsenoside Rg1-induced antidepressant effects involve the protection of astrocyte gap junctions within the prefrontal cortex. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 2017; 75: 183-191.
21. Chen J, Wang ZZ, Zhang S, Chu SF, Mou Z, Chen NH*. The effects of glucocorticoids on depressive and anxiety-like behaviors, mineralocorticoid receptor-dependent cell proliferation regulates anxiety-like behaviors. Behavioural Brain Research, 2019; 362: 288-298.
22. Chen J, Wang ZZ, Zuo W, Zhang S, Chu SF, Chen NH*. Effects of chronic mild stress on behavioral and neurobiological parameters - Role of glucocorticoid. Hormones and Behavior, 2015; 78: 150-159.
23. Chen J, Wang ZZ, Zhang S, Ai QD, Chu SF, Chen NH*. Possible target-related proteins of stress-resistant rats suggested by label-free protemic analysis. RSC Advances, 2017; 7: 40957-40964.
24. Chen J, Wang ZZ, Zhang S, Zuo W, Chen NH*. Does mineralocorticoid receptor play a vital role in the development of depressive disorder? Life Sciences, 2016; 152: 76-81.
25. Ren Q, Wang ZZ, Chu SF, Xia CY, Chen NH*. Gap junction channels as potential targets for the treatment of major depressive disorder. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2018; 235(1):1-12.
26. Liu N, Wang ZZ, Zhao M, Zhang Y, Chen NH*. Role of Non-coding RNA in the Pathogenesis of Depression. Gene, 2020;735:144276.
27. Ren SY, Wang ZZ, Zhang Y, Chen NH*. Potential Application of Endocannabinoid System Agents in Neuropsychiatric and Neurodegenerative Diseases-Focusing on FAAH/MAGL Inhibitors. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2020; 41(10):1263-1271.
28. Zhang XL, Wang ZZ, Shao QH, Zhang Z, Li L, Guo ZY, Sun HM, Zhang Y*, Chen NH*. RNAi-mediated knockdown of DJ-1 leads to mitochondrial dysfunction via Akt/GSK-3ss and JNK signaling pathways in dopaminergic neuron-like cells. Brain Res Bull, 2019;146:228-236.
29. Feng ST, Wang ZZ, Yuan YH, Sun HM, Chen NH, Zhang Y*. Mangiferin: A multipotent natural product preventing neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease models. Pharmacological Research, 2019;146:104336.
30. Feng ST, Wang ZZ, Yuan YH, Sun HM, Chen NH, Zhang Y*. Update on the association between alpha-synuclein and tau with mitochondrial dysfunction: Implications for Parkinson's disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021; 53(9):2946-2959.
31. Feng ST, Wang ZZ, Yuan YH, Wang XL, Sun HM, Chen NH, Zhang Y*. Dynamin-related protein 1: A critical protein in mitochondrial fission, mitophagy, and neuronal death of Parkinson’s disease. Pharmacological Research, 2020;151:104553.
32. Zhang Y, Wang ZZ, Sun HM*. Lack of association between p.Ser167Asn variant of Parkin and Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis of 15 studies involving 2,280 cases and 2,459 controls. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2012; 159B: 38-47.
33. Zhang Y, Wang ZZ, Sun HM*. A meta-analysis of the relationship of the Parkin p.Val380Leu polymorphism to Parkinson’s disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2013; 162: 235-244.
34. Zhang Y, Wang ZZ, Sun HM*. Meta-analysis of the influence of Parkin p.Asp394Asn variant on the susceptibility of Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience Letters, 2012; 524: 60-64.


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(2) 王真真, 张有志, 李云峰. 抗精神分裂症的多靶点药物. 《多靶点药物研究及应用》, 李学军主编. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2011, 252-266.
(3) 王真真, 孔令雷,陈乃宏. 人参皂苷Rg3. 《天然药物-来自植物的小分子药物》, 杜冠华主编. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2018, 211-214.


